New Similar Companies algorithm

 23 June 2021

Our Machine Learning team has made some improvements to the Similar Companies tab on tracked company profiles.

With this new set of changes, the list will show closer matches to the company you’re looking at—with the added bonus of a snappier loading time.

Previously, the Similar Companies list was based on matching sectors, buzzwords, and description words. But because of the simplistic word matching, this sometimes led to less relevant companies being matched. The improved tool uses a machine learning language model to understand and match meanings of descriptions. For example, a company that “builds software for drug discovery” and a company that “provides computational chemistry solutions for pharmacology research” will now be matched: although there are no common words, these companies operate in the same space.

This update has resulted in a significant improvement in the relevance of companies in the Similar Companies list. If you see a company that you don’t think is similar, you can tap the “Not similar” button to the right of the company in the list to continually improve the algorithm.

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