Today we released the Government Equalities Office gender pay gap data on all qualifying UK companies. This data is available to all Beauhurst subscribers
Discover companies that need your help
Use difference in hourly pay in advanced search either to discover companies that might need your support in closing the gap or shining examples of companies that drive equal pay across their workforce

Don’t forget: You can use our recent criteria search improvements to help find it!

Deep dive into the pay distribution of a single company
Using the “People” tab on a company page you can go beyond average hourly pay and understand the difference in bonuses and gender distribution across pay quartiles too. This can help unpick some of the reasons why there may be a difference in average pay.

Every company in the UK with more than 250 full time employees has to report each year, and smaller companies can chose to report too. This means our All Company Data subscribers have gender pay gap data on over 11,000 companies!