Unlock Insights with ESG, Innovation, and Growth Signals

 6 November 2023

As you may have noticed, we have a lot of data on the platform. And to be honest, this can sometimes make it hard to find interesting companies or even know if an opportunity is right in front of your nose without digging into the details or running complex searches.

Our new dataset, Signals, simplifies our complex knowledge graph of events, funding, classifications, business activity, patents, regulatory findings and lots more to something easy to understand; speeding up your discovery and understanding of companies interesting to you.

To kick off, we are introducing Growth, Innovation and ESG signals across hundreds of thousands of companies, but watch this space for even more coming soon 👀

You can find signals at the top of the company page and in advanced search.

You can read the FAQs for a full breakdown of the signals and how we create them.


For long-time fans, these signals will look familiar and cover most of our existing tracking triggers. Many of you care most about the high-growth ecosystem, and these will continue to be a great way of zeroing in on these companies.

Search for Growth


Finding companies focused on innovation is now also much easier. Here, we cover those that have received significant R&D Grants, Academic Spinouts and those that have been granted a patent.

Search for Innovation

NB: Those with access to our Patents add-on can dig into patent details and create more complex patent searches. Speak to your Account Manager to find out more.

Environmental, Social & Governance

Enhancing our ESG coverage has been requested by many of you, but we are also conscious it has no set definition or measurements. We are starting out by offering nine signals across ESG, uncovering a range of topics from business activity relating to environmental impact, to how regulatory filings can provide indications on diversity and equality. We’ll also highlight when ESG-focused funders, high-growth lists and accelerators support companies.

Search for ESG

This is just the beginning of how we plan to help you unlock potential in the green economy, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve what we measure and how it’s represented to give the fairest view of the UK economy.

If you have any feedback or ideas for other interesting signals, please let me know.

Also, watch out for our newsletter this week for an ESG takeover diving into some of our early learnings from this new dataset. Sign up here if you aren’t already.

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