Discover Businesses with Advanced Postcode Search

 15 October 2021

We have added even more ways to dig into company location data to discover and understand the businesses most relevant to you.

Search across postcode fragments

You can now search across the following postcode formats

  • Full Postcode (HG4 1QT)
  • Postcode sector (e.g HG4 1)
  • Postcode district (e.g HG4)
  • Postcode area (HG)

You could use postcode fragments to better understand districts within regions such as Manchester’s Northern Quarter (M1 &  M4)

Or even use an exact postcode to find all companies operating in a specific office block.

Search within a radius of a postcode

You can also search within a radius of a specific postcode which can be helpful if you want to learn more about companies near a place of interest or economic centre not well defined by existing district data.

These features work across all our address types including the new trading and registered address search we added recently. (See here if you missed that announcement). They can also be combined with all existing search criteria you are used to.

Check out the latest options by selecting the “Location” criteria in Advanced Search.

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