The company database that fuels growth
Discover, track and understand companies in the UK and Germany with Beauhurst’s unmatched private company database.
Join the hundreds of businesses using our data
The ultimate private company data source
Industry-leading support
Unmatched accuracy
Complete coverage
Take a virtual tour of the platform
See for yourself how our Advanced Search and Company Profile features works through our interactive demo below. If you’d prefer a full demo, then get in touch with the team.
How our clients use Beauhurst:
Our premium software tool benefits a range of organisations, including venture capital funds, government agencies, university knowledge exchange teams, and more. It’s designed to provide insights and data, not to serve as a company directory or contact database.
Our platform is not designed for those seeking investors for their startups, nor is it intended for students.
Access is available via a platform subscription or through our API. We also offer advisory services via our Research & Consultancy team. To learn more, reach out to us.
We cover every private company in the UK and Germany.
A subscription to Beauhurst means access to company data on millions of private companies in the UK and Germany.
This includes regulatory information, transactions (including unannounced fundraisings), patent data, trade data, company risk signals — and much more.
Subscribers also have a direct line to a large customer experience team, always on hand to make sure you’re always getting value from the platform.
We don’t offer free trials of our platform, but we’re happy to show you around on a call. Just book a demo directly into an expert’s diary to see it today.
Want to find out more?