Private company data for UK and Germany

Datasets Category Description
Accelerators GrowthEvents Data on accelerators, including acceptance criteria, portfolios, statistics, and common areas of interest.
Acquisitions GrowthEvents Including consideration paid, consideration type(s), company valuation, earn out and percentage stake sold.
Buzzwords CategorisationESG Track trends that don’t fit into normal sector classifications (take agritech, for example) with buzzwords.
Charges & Mortgages EventsRegulatory Real-time Companies House charge filings over all UK companies going back to 2001.
Contact details People Email addresses and links to social media accounts.
County court judgements Risk Sourced from the Registry Trust, CCJs indicate a company has been taken to court over unpaid debts.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) data ESGPeople We analyse a company's business activity, funding, regulatory filings and industry accolades to understand which companies are making the biggest impact on various ESG factors.
Filing history Regulatory View the filing history in full or filter by name (accounts, officers, mortgages etc.).
Financials GrowthRegulatoryRisk Financial summaries and accounts, including credit ratings and downloadable financial statements.
Fundraisings GrowthRisk Equity fundraising (even funding rounds that weren’t announced to the media), including the verified amount, who invested and advised, the associated valuation and turnover multiples.
Funds GrowthInnovation See fund summaries, statistics, portfolio and people details.
Grants GrowthInnovationESG See the details of the grants that a business receives, including the date and parties involved.
High-growth lists GrowthEventsESG We track the companies that make it onto high-growth lists.
Hiring status GrowthPeople See the companies that are actively hiring live on the platform.
IPOs GrowthEvents Find the details of IPOs, including dates, shares details and advisors.
Locations RegulatoryCategorisation Find companies’ head office location, as well as their registered address and trading location(s).
MBOs and MBIs GrowthEvents Details for Management Buy-Outs and Management Buy-Ins, including management participation, known advisors and services, as well as the data sources.
Ownership and shareholders PeopleRegulatory Find details on the ownership structure and shareholders of companies.
Patent data InnovationESG Find the patents a company has been granted, where it was granted, and what classification it is.
People PeopleRegulatoryESG Key people (past and present), directors (past and present), and shareholders. Including gender distributions and pay discrepancies.
Scaleups InnovationGrowth Find detailed data on companies that have scaled up by 10% or 20%.
Industries CategorisationESG Search across the UK economy using our leading industry classification system.
Spinouts Innovation Data on academic spinouts, including the universities they span out of.
Target markets Categorisation Choose from business, consumer, public sector or third sector.
Tech stacks Innovation The set of technologies that companies are currently working with.
Trade data Growth Trading details, including what is being traded and how frequently it’s being traded.